Current stock:
If you are looking to convert or replace the axle on your existing Chris King R45, or R45 Disc hub, visit this page to choose between the available Chris King R45 front hub axles as well as grouped kit options.
Choose between the available Chris King R45 front hub axles as well as grouped kit options.
Additional Information:
- Available configurations:(B)-Designates black finish option available
- PHB717(B): R45 Road QR axle only
- R45 QR axle, end cap, & adjusting cone kit: (PHB717-Convert)=(PHB717,PHB724,PHB725)
- PHB653(B): R45D and Centerlock Disc 12mm axle:
- Optional Parts
- PHB710(B): R45D & Centerlock adjusting clamp
- PHB724(B): R45 road axle end QR
- PBH725(B): R45 road, R45D & Centerlock front adjusting cone for QR
- Discontinued Parts
- R45D and Centerlock Disc QR axle: (PHB652)
- PHB651: R45D & Centerlock axle end QR
- Inventory Note: We stock a wide variety of Chris King hub parts, however our inventory fluctuates daily. We may need to order hub parts with an average lead time of 2-3 business days. Some parts may take longer. If your order is time sensitive we encourage you to contact us for up to the minute product availability and shipping lead times.