Dynaplug replacement bullet tip, pointed tip, or Mega tip tire plugs that work with different Dynaplug tire repair tools.
The Dynaplug system employs a brass round tipped Viscoelastic cord to plug holes not fixed by sealant. They are designed to be a long term fix that will uphold the structural integrity of the tire for the duration of the tires life. Multiple plugs can be used to plug large holes. We recommend the bullet tip plugs to avoid puncturing the rim tape once the plug is installed in the tire.
Larger punctures can be repaired with the Mega Plugs, which are only compatible with the Mega Plug kit from Dyanplug
Additional Information:
- Bullet tip or Pointed tip compatible with Micro Pro or Racer kits. Includes 5 tire repair plugs
- Mega tip (larger diameter) Compatible with Racer or Mega Plug kits. Includes 3 tire repair plugs